Changing Styles

This site is using the Terminal Hugo theme. it currently looks very orange.

I want to change that, and there appears to be a tool available to do that very easily at

This site is unfortunately not working right now, I put in an issue here

Hopefully the site gets fixed, if not I will have to figure out how to do this manually.

Update 12/2/24

This tool is fixed! Style for site updated.

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Post #2

I really need to work on the style of this site, It’s not great. (looks like this) Also, I noticed I can subscribe to my site with rss, which is kinda cool. Would be weird if people put it into brave news or something.

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Text Based Game with PHP

This is directed towards the Beginning Coding class

Starter Code


// Show the initial question and form

echo "You are in a cave. Do you go west or east?<br>";

echo "<form method='post'>";

echo "<input type='text' name='direction' placeholder='Enter west or east'>";

echo "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>";

echo "</form>";


// Check if form is submitted


// Get the user's answer

$direction = $_POST['direction'];


// Decide what to say based on the direction

if ($direction == "west") {

echo "<p>You chose to go west.</p>";


// Additional question for going west

echo "Do you want to light a torch?<br>";

echo "<form method='post'>";

echo "<input type='hidden' name='direction' value='west'>";

echo "<input type='text' name='torch' placeholder='Enter yes or no'>";

echo "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>";

echo "</form>";


// Check if torch question is answered

if (isset($_POST['torch'])) {

$torch = $_POST['torch'];

if ($torch == "yes") {

echo "<p>You light a torch. The cave brightens up!</p>";

//add more options here

} elseif ($torch == "no") {

echo "<p>You decide against lighting a torch. It's dark ahead.</p>";

//add more options here

} else {

echo "<p>Please enter 'yes' or 'no' for the torch question.</p>";




} elseif ($direction == "east") {

echo "<p>You chose to go east.</p>";

//add more options here

} else {

echo "<p>Please enter 'west' or 'east'.</p>";




Code Explanation

Initial Setup

  • Display Question and Form: The script starts by displaying a scenario where the player is in a cave and must decide whether to go “west” or “east”. It uses HTML to create a form where the user can input their choice.
echo "You are in a cave. Do you go west or east?<br>";
echo "<form method='post'>";
echo "<input type='text' name='direction' placeholder='Enter west or east'>";
echo "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>";
echo "</form>";

Handling User Input

  • Form Submission Check: The script checks if the form has been submitted via POST method.
    $direction = $_POST['direction'];
    // Further logic based on $direction

Decision Based on Direction

  • West Option:

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I’m going to be using this basically just for creating shareable links for notes I want to publish for the internet

I love using obsidian, I have different parts of it going to a few different git repos.

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Three Privacy Respecting Apps to Switch to

Here are three privacy respecting programs I recommend everyone switch to from their big tech counterparts.

Brave Browser

Brave is a chromium-based browser, meaning that it will have all the features that you are used to. Some notable features of brave browser are:

  • Shields

Brave’s built in tracker and ad blocker, protecting you from creepy stuff across the internet. it also saves you data by not loading these ads and trackers.

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