This is directed towards the Beginning Coding class

Starter Code#


// Show the initial question and form

echo "You are in a cave. Do you go west or east?<br>";

echo "<form method='post'>";

echo "<input type='text' name='direction' placeholder='Enter west or east'>";

echo "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>";

echo "</form>";


// Check if form is submitted


// Get the user's answer

$direction = $_POST['direction'];


// Decide what to say based on the direction

if ($direction == "west") {

echo "<p>You chose to go west.</p>";


// Additional question for going west

echo "Do you want to light a torch?<br>";

echo "<form method='post'>";

echo "<input type='hidden' name='direction' value='west'>";

echo "<input type='text' name='torch' placeholder='Enter yes or no'>";

echo "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>";

echo "</form>";


// Check if torch question is answered

if (isset($_POST['torch'])) {

$torch = $_POST['torch'];

if ($torch == "yes") {

echo "<p>You light a torch. The cave brightens up!</p>";

//add more options here

} elseif ($torch == "no") {

echo "<p>You decide against lighting a torch. It's dark ahead.</p>";

//add more options here

} else {

echo "<p>Please enter 'yes' or 'no' for the torch question.</p>";




} elseif ($direction == "east") {

echo "<p>You chose to go east.</p>";

//add more options here

} else {

echo "<p>Please enter 'west' or 'east'.</p>";




Code Explanation#

Initial Setup#

  • Display Question and Form: The script starts by displaying a scenario where the player is in a cave and must decide whether to go “west” or “east”. It uses HTML to create a form where the user can input their choice.
echo "You are in a cave. Do you go west or east?<br>";
echo "<form method='post'>";
echo "<input type='text' name='direction' placeholder='Enter west or east'>";
echo "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>";
echo "</form>";

Handling User Input#

  • Form Submission Check: The script checks if the form has been submitted via POST method.
    $direction = $_POST['direction'];
    // Further logic based on $direction

Decision Based on Direction#

  • West Option:

    • If the user chooses “west”, it acknowledges the choice and then prompts another decision about lighting a torch.
    • It uses another form to ask if the user wants to light a torch, with hidden input to remember the ‘west’ direction.
    if ($direction == "west") {
        echo "<p>You chose to go west.</p>";
        echo "Do you want to light a torch?<br>";
        echo "<form method='post'>";
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='direction' value='west'>";
        echo "<input type='text' name='torch' placeholder='Enter yes or no'>";
        echo "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>";
        echo "</form>";
        // Handling torch decision
        if (isset($_POST['torch'])) {
            $torch = $_POST['torch'];
            if ($torch == "yes") {
                echo "<p>You light a torch. The cave brightens up!</p>";
            } elseif ($torch == "no") {
                echo "<p>You decide against lighting a torch. It's dark ahead.</p>";
            } else {
                echo "<p>Please enter 'yes' or 'no' for the torch question.</p>";
  • East Option:

    • If the user chooses “east”, it simply acknowledges the choice but doesn’t provide further interaction yet (indicated by a comment suggesting to add more options).
    elseif ($direction == "east") {
        echo "<p>You chose to go east.</p>";
        // Placeholder for future expansion
  • Invalid Input: If the user enters anything other than “west” or “east”, it prompts them to enter a valid direction.

    else {
        echo "<p>Please enter 'west' or 'east'.</p>";

How to Expand#

  1. Add More Directions or Actions:

    • After checking which direction the user chose, add more conditions or nested if-statements for additional actions or paths. For example, for going “east”, you could add new questions or scenarios.
    elseif ($direction == "east") {
        echo "<p>You chose to go east.</p>";
        echo "Do you want to explore the river or the forest?<br>";
        echo "<form method='post'>";
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='direction' value='east'>";
        echo "<input type='text' name='explore' placeholder='Enter river or forest'>";
        echo "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>";
        echo "</form>";
        // Handle 'explore' choice here
  2. Implement Consequences or Outcomes:

    • For each choice, decide what happens next. If “yes” to lighting a torch in the west scenario, describe what they see or encounter.
    if ($torch == "yes") {
        echo "<p>You light a torch. You see a path leading to a secret door!</p>";
        // Add another form or next step here
  3. Add More Interaction Levels:

    • Use nested forms to create deeper levels of interaction. Each choice could lead to another question or scenario.
    if (isset($_POST['explore'])) {
        $explore = $_POST['explore'];
        if ($explore == "river") {
            echo "<p>You approach the river...</p>";
            // New form or scenario here
        } elseif ($explore == "forest") {
            echo "<p>You enter the dense forest...</p>";
            // New form or scenario here
  4. Error Handling and User Guidance:

    • Make sure to handle invalid inputs gracefully, providing clear instructions or feedback.
    if ($explore != "river" && $explore != "forest") {
        echo "<p>Please enter 'river' or 'forest'.</p>";
  5. Enhance User Experience:

    • Add more descriptive text, or even include images or sounds if you expand to a full webpage.

You can also just start from scratch using this guide as inspiration. If you have any questions, or find errors in my code, send me a message Good Luck